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Edgar believes that a good story can beat even the biggest of marketing budgets. This is especially true for SMBs and all the crafters and makers out there. Instead of spending big on traditional advertising, brands should engage their peers with great content. To fix the industry, they created Edgar. Edgar gives brands the tools and access to the best creatives (brand storytellers, writers, illustrators), so that they can delight their customers with awesome stories.

StoryMarket is the place where Edgar hosts a hand-picked selection of storytellers from around the world. From copywriters, journalists, editors, illustrators, photographers to animators, outreach experts and community managers, they have the talent needed to craft awesome brand stories. Edgar handles strategy, management, creation and distribution of content.

The scope of the campaign depends on each customer. Creating the brief and defining the scope is as easy as ordering a frozen yogurt. From a single piece of content, to a set of Instagram/Vine videos, or dedicated storytelling expert that sticks with the brand forever and ever. Edgar makes sure the content is nothing less than perfect and is delivered to you in record time (first piece no later than 10 working days).

The creatives and freelancers working with Edgar benefit from their lightweight yet powerful storytelling tools. StoryCrafter is a tool for short, visual stories. Stories take the form of visualized storylines with interactive elements that boost engagement. You create the story by drag and dropping your photos, Instagrams, Vine or YouTube videos and spicing it up with short captions. Brands equip the stories with their contact, brief information and a call to action at the end of the story. Etsy artists for example sell their products straight from the story, while wineries invite people for a wine tasting. Sharing and embedding is done in seconds, while they make sure the story looks and feels exactly the same wherever. Be it web, mobile or tablets.

With each story, the Edgar community is growing. A community of freelance storytellers that Edgar empowers with tools and opportunity to be rewarded for their skills. And a community of active visitors who return to be inspired by great content every single day.

Brands and individuals benefit greatly from Edgar as it helps them engage their potential customers. And helps them convert existing customers into fans. At the end, there’s no more powerful instrument than people telling stories about your brand.



E-Commerce, Public Relations, Content Creators, Small and Medium Businesses





Headquarters locations




Profile Resume

Edgar headquartered in Europe, operates in the E-Commerce, Public Relations, Content Creators, Small and Medium Businesses sector. The company focuses on E-Commerce and has secured $2.2M in funding across 32 round(s). With a team of 1-10 employees, Edgar is actively contributing to advancements in E-Commerce. Their latest funding round, Seed Round - Edgar, raised $35.0K. Discover more about their projects, partnerships, and impact on our platform.


imagePlace David Poe

David Poe


imagePlace Igor Pernek

Igor Pernek


Funding Rounds

Funding rounds




Lead Investors


Total Funding Amount




Edgar has raised a total of $69.1K in funding over 2 rounds.

Announcement dateTransaction nameNumber of InvestorsMoney raisedLead Investor


There is no investor info for this profile.

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