Pre Seed Round - Zivy Inc

Pre Seed Round - Zivy Inc

Investment Firm


Zivy is a priority inbox for all your messages at work. It surfaces all important messages first and keeps irrelevant chatter at the back.

Announced Date

Jun 30, 2023

Funding Type

Pre Seed



United States, North America


Investor Lead

Blume Ventures

Blume Ventures

Blume Ventures is a early_stage_venture and seed firm.

Participant Investors


Investor Name
Participant InvestoriSeed
Participant InvestorHarshil Mathur
Participant InvestorShashank Kumar
Participant InvestorBlume Ventures
Participant InvestorKunal Shah

Round Details and Background

Zivy Inc raised $1200000 on 2023-06-30 in Pre Seed Round

Zivy is a priority inbox for all your messages at work. It surfaces all important messages first and keeps irrelevant chatter at the back.

Company Funding History


Announcment DateTransaction NameNumber Of InvestorsLead InvestorMoney Raised
Jun 30, 2023
Pre Seed Round - Zivy Inc

Recent Activity

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