Barry Horowitz

Barry Horowitz

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Mission Secure

Mission Secure






Cyber Security, Hardware


As Advisor and Co-Founder of MSi, Dr. Horowitz created the company’s patent pending “System Aware” embedded cyber security concepts and worked with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to fund the development of initial prototypes. A respected cyber security expert, Dr. Horowitz serves as Chair for the Systems and Information Engineering Department at the University of Virginia (UVa). He joined UVa in 2001 after a long and successful career leading systems applications and engineering efforts for many large and complex industrial organizations.

Dr. Horowitz is also the UVa research site director for the National Science Foundation sponsored Industry/University Cooperative Research Center called WICAT (Wireless Internet Center for Advanced Technology). He currently leads a DoD sponsored research effort focused on embedding security solutions into systems, referred to as System Aware Cyber Security. The Governor of Virginia recently selected Dr. Horowitz as a Commissioner to the State’s Cyber Security Commission, with a focus on cyber security and unmanned autonomous vehicles.

Formerly Dr. Horowitz served as President and Chief Executive Officer or the Mitre Corporation. During his nearly thirty-year career with the company, he served in a variety of roles with increasing responsibility before he retired as President and CEO in 1996, a role he held for five years. In his early days at Mitre, Dr. Horowitz led a Federal Aviation Administration sponsored research activity that developed a prototype airborne collision avoidance system. This work served as the basis for what became the international system for commercial aircraft collision avoidance, also known as TCAS.

During Desert Storm, Dr. Horowitz conceived and led the integration efforts for a system to track and destroy SCUD missile carriers. The system involved the use of Joint Stars and other sensors integrated into the existing command and control structure for controlling fighter aircraft. He was recognized for his achievement with the highest award the U.S. Air Force bestows to civilians.

Dr. Horowitz serves as a member of the Naval Studies Board (NSB) of the National Academy of Science and recently led a Chief of Naval Operations sponsored study for the NSB on cyber security. He also serves as a member of General Electric’s Academic Software Advisory Panel and is a member of the Cyber Security Advisory Board for the Virginia Joint Commission on Science and Technology (JCOTS). Dr. Horowitz received an MSEE and PhD from New York University in 1967 and 1969 respectively, and a BEE from the City College of New York in 1965.



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Barry Horowitz is the Co-Founder at Mission Secure. With a background in Cyber Security, Barry Horowitz has a rich history of leadership and innovation. Explore their detailed professional journey, key connections, and contributions to the industry on our platform.

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