Jonathan Khazam

Jonathan Khazam

Signal active

EVP Strategy and Business Development

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Semiconductor, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning


Jonathan Khazam is a corporate vice president and general manager of the Visual and Parallel Computing Group at Intel Corporation. He leads a worldwide organization responsible for the development of Intel's integrated processor graphics, including 3D, GPU programmability, media, and display technologies.

Prior to his current position, Khazam was general manager of the Manageability and Middleware Division where he led development of manageability and security products such as Intel Data Center Manager (power management middleware for medium- and large-scale data centers) and the lightweight virtualization technology underpinning McAfee DeepSAFE Technology.

Earlier, in 1999, he formed a new division to lead the development and commercialization of Intel software development products including award-winning Intel Compilers, VTune Performance Analyzers, threading tools, performance libraries, and binary translation technology. Khazam has been an ardent advocate for Intel's software efforts for many years. He oversees the Intel Software Directors Council, a quality- and practices-focused roundtable of Intel software leaders.

Khazam joined Intel in 1991 as a product manager responsible for mobile microprocessor marketing, design wins, and product planning. He subsequently led strategic planning and market development for the Pentium Processor family, including the highly successful MMX™ technology program. In 1996, he became marketing director for graphics with a focus on graphics APIs, instruction set extensions, and ecosystem enabling.

Prior to joining Intel, Khazam held marketing and development positions at EIP Microwave and Hewlett-Packard.

Khazam holds a B.S.E.E. from Cornell University and an MBA from the University of California at Berkeley Haas School of Business. He has received two Intel Achievement Awards and holds two patents.

Khazam is an independent director on the board of Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. and a member of the Audit Committee.


San Francisco, California, United States, North America

Jobs history



Board Member and Treasurer

2021 - Current



University of California Berkeley

Cornell University

Electrical Engineering

Profile Resume

Jonathan Khazam is the EVP Strategy and Business Development at Graphcore, based in United States, North America. With a background in Semiconductor, Jonathan Khazam has a rich history of leadership and innovation. Explore their detailed professional journey, key connections, and contributions to the industry on our platform.

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