Major General Dato' Dr. Pahlawan R Mohan Das

Major General Dato' Dr. Pahlawan R Mohan Das

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Mobile, Health Care, Professional Services


Graduated from the Madras Medical College in 1974. He was commissioned to the Malaysian Armed Forces in 1975 in the rank of Captain and retired in March 2005 in the rank of Major General and Director General of the Armed Forces Health Services. In his 30 years of military service, he had served in many parts of the country including as Chief Medical Officer of the United Nations Operations in Somalia in 1998. He holds a Masters in Health Planning (MHP) from the University of New South Wales, Australia, Diploma in Industrial Health from the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of England (DIH) & Society of Apothecaries (DIHSA), and Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (DTM&H) from Mahidol University, Bangkok. He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (FFOM) and a Fellow of the Academy of Medicine of Malaysia (FAMM). Following retirement from military service, he served as Chief Executive of the Melaka Manipal Medical College, Deputy Vice Chancellor of the MAHSA University and finally as the founding Vice Chancellor & Chief Executive of the Perdana University (2010-2013). He has served in the Council and ExCo of the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) as Hon Secretary of the Wilayah Branch, Deputy Hon General Secretary MMA from 1987 to 1990 and Hon General Secretary of MMA in 1992 to 1993. He has also served as Secretary and Chairman of the Public Health Society of the MMA, Action on Smoking or Health Committee of the MMA and the Accident Prevention Committee of the MMA. He was appointed a Trustee of the MMA Foundation in 2006 and served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the maximum period of 6 years ( 2006 to 2012). He is currently a Trustee of the Malaysian Medical Association and the Editor of the Berita MMA. He is currently the Deputy Chairman, Board of Governors of the Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS) and a Director of CUCMS Education Sdn Bhd. He is a Member of the Board of Governors of the Asia Metropolitan University (AMU) and a Non Independent Non-Executive Director of Asiamet Education Group. He is a Member of the Preliminary Investigations Committee (PIC 4) of the Malaysian Medical Council. In recognition of his contributions to the profession, he was awarded the “Most Outstanding Alumnus” of the Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University in 2011, the Outstanding Achievement Award of SOMGRIM 2012 (Society of Medical Graduates from India Malaysia) and the MMA Gold Medal in 2013. For his services to the Nation, he has received several state and federal awards amongst them being the Dato Pahlawan Taming Sari (DPTS) from HRH the Sultan of Perak and the Panglima Setia Angkatan Tentera (PSAT), the second highest military award from SPB Yang Di Pertuan Agong and the United Nations Peacekeeping Medal.



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Major General Dato' Dr. Pahlawan R Mohan Das is the Advisor at BookDoc. With a background in Mobile, Major General Dato' Dr. Pahlawan R Mohan Das has a rich history of leadership and innovation. Explore their detailed professional journey, key connections, and contributions to the industry on our platform.

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