Ratish Kumar

Ratish Kumar

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Director (Projects)

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Energy, Energy Management, Power Grid, Renewable Energy, Hydroelectric


Shri Ratish Kumar (58 years) holds B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar (Uttarakhand). Shri Ratish Kumar started his professional career in NHPC Limited as Trainee Engineer in October 1982 from Baira Siul Project.

Shri Ratish Kumar has over 35 years of experience in NHPC where he climbed up the professional ladder with utmost sense of responsibility, ethics and dedication. In his present assignment as Director (Projects), Shri Ratish Kumar is in-charge of all NHPC projects which are under construction and pre-construction stages. This includes hydro as well as solar & wind renewable energy projects. He is also responsible for Joint-ventures and Consultancy Assignments being undertaken by the Company. In addition, major functions viz. Contracts, Project Monitoring and Support Group, Cost Engineering, Business Development and Design (E&M) also come under his ambit.

Prior to joining NHPC Board, Shri Ratish Kumar served NHPC in various capacities including as the Executive Director (Design- E&M). His major contributions include construction and erection of Salal Power Station Stage-II, commissioning of major projects of NHPC, restoration of Dhauliganga and Uri-II power station, advancement of commissioning of TLDP-IV, construction of dam of Kishanganga HEP in 2016 and commissioning of 330 MW Kishanganga HEP in March, 2018. It further includes design and engineering of E&M packages of projects viz.Parbati-II, Parbati-III, Subansiri Lower HE Project, Teesta-V, Sewa-II, Chamera-III, Dhauliganga projects etc. He was also associated with various International assignments including preparation of DPR of Tamanthi & Shwezaye in Myanmar, Kuri-Gongri, Chamkharchhu & Mangdechhu in Bhutan. Shri Ratish Kumar had been a Nominee Director on the Board of National High Power Test Laboratory Private Limited w.e.f. 24-03-2014 to 08-02-2016.

Shri Ratish Kumar has excellent command in construction & erection of Hydro Power Plants, Design & Engineering of E&M equipments, Power Potential and Optimization Studies, layout engineering, preparation of detailed project report including project appraisal and cost benefit analysis for obtaining TEC from CEA. He has been an expert member in numerous National Level Publications, CBIP Manual on GIS 2013, Bus Duct 2013 and Transformer 2013 etc.

Shri Ratish Kumar joined the Board of NHPC Limited on January 6, 2016.



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Director (Projects)

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Ratish Kumar is the Director (Projects) at NHPC. With a background in Energy, Ratish Kumar has a rich history of leadership and innovation. Explore their detailed professional journey, key connections, and contributions to the industry on our platform.

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